Amber Heard is Innocent — Keep her in Aquaman 2 as Mera, L’Oreal, and a Humanitarian

Tess Mercer/Lena Luthor 🚒
6 min readDec 16, 2020


Amber Heard in Aquaman as Mera, Jason Momoa, director James Wan, Orange the World, and Driving a Car

Amber Heard is a victim of domestic abuse who works on humanitarianism, Women’s Rights, progress, LGBT equality, and activism. On November 2, 2020, Judge Nicol ruled she feared for her life frequently and that 12 out of 14 incidents of domestic violence against her by her ex-husband Depp was proven.

We support Warner Bros in keeping her in Aquaman 2 as Mera and as spokesperson of L’Oreal. She’s a victim of online cyberabuse, discrimination, and of machine learning bot specialists.

Amber Heard is a superheroine both on and off the screen. An outspoken advocate for the rights of women, refugees, immigrants, and the LGBTQ community, she inspires others to take action and join her in the fight to change the world.

Karen Ingala Smith, CEO of domestic violence charity Nia, praised Amber Heard’s courage, saying: “I would like to acknowledge the bravery of Heard in naming the abuse that she was subjected to.”

New York Times: “I accept that Mr. Depp put her in fear of her life,” a British judge wrote, dismissing the actor’s libel case on Monday… ““overwhelming evidence” that he had assaulted the actress Amber Heard repeatedly...

Mr. Depp’s assaults included head-butting Ms. Heard, repeatedly hitting her and tearing out clumps of her hair, wrote Andrew Nicol, the British judge who heard the case, in a ruling issued online on Monday. In dismissing the case, he said the defendants had shown that what they published was “substantially true.”

The assaults “must have been terrifying,” the judge wrote regarding incidents in March 2015 in Australia, in which Ms. Heard said that Mr. Depp assaulted her several times, including smashing a telephone beside her face. “I accept that Mr. Depp put her in fear of her life,” the judge wrote…

Witnesses saw Amber’s injuries and her evidence:

Josh Drew: December 2015, Los Angeles — Rocky told me that something wasn’t right and sent me home while she looked for Amber. About 10–15 minutes later I received a message from Rocky saying something like “he beat the sh** out of her again” and told me she was looking after her. I remember being told that they had reached out to a nurse to do a concussion check. 16. Rocky told me that there was a big fight and Johnny had head butted Amber, ripped out pieces of her hair and smothered her and that they had to call Dr Kipper’s office to get Amber a concussion check. I also talked to Amber about it. 17. I saw Amber that night and the next day saw her injuries: she had bruising around both eyes which extended down the bridge of her nose and her forehead was red…
21 May 2016, Los Angeles: I met Jerry downstairs and gave him the phone. He took a few steps to walk away and then turned and asked me ·Is she okay?”. I said something like, “Are you f** kidding me? He beat the sh** out of her again and you guys stood by and watched it”

Melanie Inglessis: “I remember numerous conversations in which Amber would tell me that Johnny had abused her. Just about every conversation alternated between her love for him and the problem of his abuse. These conversations took place well before she divorced Johnny and got a restraining order against him.7.The first time I saw the physical evidence of Johnny’s abuse was before Amber was scheduled to appear on the Late Show with James Corden. Amber and I were supposed to go bowling the night before, but Amber told me that she could not join because she had been in a bad fight with Johnny. I came over to the Eastern Building to apply makeup before her TV appearance, and as I walked into her kitchen, I saw writing on the countertop in gold marker. Attached hereto as Exhibit 1 is a true and correct copy of a picture that depicts the writing I saw that night. I also saw that a number of Amber’s possessions had been smashed or destroyed.”

IO Tillet: “The reports of violence started with a kick on a private plane, then it was shoves and the occasional punch, until finally, in December, she described an all-out assault and she woke up with her pillow covered in blood. I know this because I went to their house. I saw the pillow with my own eyes. I saw the busted lip and the clumps of hair on the floor. I got the phone call immediately after it happened, her screaming and crying, a stoic woman reduced to sobs.”

In 70,000 texts: “Depp adds, “Let’s drown her before we burn her!!! I will f** her burnt corpse afterwards to make sure she’s dead.”

Sources say he paid his first wife, Lori Anne Allison, $1.25 million to keep quiet after he allegedly left a long ranting message in which he repeatedly used the N-word. The previously unreported settlement was accomplished using fictitious names to avoid scrutiny, with Richard Green serving as the stand-in for Johnny Depp.

Photos, audios, texts, witnesses, and data proved Amber Heard is a victim of domestic abuse.

Amber is a spokesperson for the ACLU, Cyber Civil Rights Initiative, World Identity Network, and United Nations Gender Equality SDG5.

Heard continues to make frequent trips to DC to lobby and fight on behalf of the civil rights of women and the innumerable silent survivors of gender-based violence that were attempting to make their voices heard during that pivotal moment in US history. In October 2018, she visited the United Nations in Geneva, where she addressed diplomats about women’s rights and gender-based violence. Most recently Amber presented the UN Sexual Violence Survivors Rights Resolution at the General Assembly to International diplomats and ambassadors along side RISE (A Non Profit that has successfully passed civil rights bills in 38 states domestically). Amber has continued with trips to Central America where she met with human-rights defenders, diplomats, and indigenous community leader.

She has spoken for, introduced and advocated for democratic candidate Kamala Harris since 2007 and has been very active in supporting Harris in her 2020 presidential run. Most recently, Amber has introduced and advocated for federal legislation to criminalize consensual pornography (known as “revenge porn”) through bi-partisan congressional support with Representative Jackie Speir, Congressman John Katko, and Kamala Harris. Her actions have been crucial to the creation and passing of the SHIELD Act, which is the legislation she is fighting to pass in DC, in her capacity as the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative Ambassador.

An eloquent and passionate speaker, Amber has lent her voice to major global events like the UN Social Good Summit, Global Citizen Festival, One Young World Conference and the Incredible Women Gala... She has participated in global forums for young people, women, and the scientific community. Not only has Amber spoken to a global audience, but also she has addressed at the Create and Cultivate conference in New York and the Giffoni Film Foundation Festival & Conference in Italy and spoke at the UN for the UN WE Day in New York. Most recently Heard was honored by the Hetrick Martin Institute in NY and given the Emery Award. Heard was honored by ACLU in 2017 with the Humanitarian of the Year award.

Recently, Amber spoke with Richard Dawkins and the Center for Inquiry in a symposium on scientific inquiry and free-thought in the increasingly polarized political world at Arizona State University for thousands of people attending.

A single incident would have proved the ‘wife beater’ charge of libel, but NGN proved 12 out of 14 incidents of violence in their closing submissions:

Incredibly Incredible shows omitted audios and photos of texts:

Amber Heard is a positive influence in the world and, importantly, fought back against an abusive man and abusive system.



Tess Mercer/Lena Luthor 🚒

CEO of Luthorcorp & Daily Planet🧡 Externalize, instead of internalize. Use self-fulfillment, resilience, motivation. Empower yourself & others. Situational aid